3 easy ways to save energy while dishwashing

1.      Your dishwasher should be connected to coldwater, then it can calefy itself.

2.      Fill your dishwasher, turn off the drying function and you will save energy.

3.      Apply a dishpan, it uses less water than keeping it running when dishing by hand.

Help others get ahead. You will always stand taller with someonne else on your shoulders
Bob Moawad



7 ways to save energy in your kitchen

1. Check that your refrigerator and freezer have compact doors. Change your rubber list if they are apart.

2. Replace your refrigerator to a class A++ refrigerator. It consumes 120 kWh a year, while for example a class B refrigerator consumes 300 kWh a year.

3. Set the right temperature in your refrigerator and freezer. In your refrigerator; 5+ degrees and in your freezer; -18 degrees is recommended (Celsius). Every extra degree raises your energy use with another 5 percent

4. Defrost your freezer and wipe the inside walls of your freezer so the condenser stays dust free, otherwise the dust lays like isolation and the energy use rises.

5. Water is most effect fully heated when first heated in an electric kettle.

6. Use kettles and frying pans with flat bottoms and to the right size of the plate.

7. Try to buy local produced food, however remember that it is better to buy fruits from warmer countries than a greenhouse in Sweden.



4 ways to save energy during car driving and transports

1.      If you are driving a short distance, you should bike instead. The car releases dangerous chemicals and by driving short distances the catalytic converter is not warm enough to clean the chemicals

2.      Do not let the heavy stuff lie in the back of the. The heavier your car is, the more petrol it needs.

3.      Keep your speed-limit. If you drive 110 km/h than 90 km/h the fuel consumption increases with 10-20%.

4.      Have the right tire pressure while driving. Too little pressure lead to more petrol need and the tires will run out faster

It's easier to put on slippers than to carpet the whole world.
Al Franken

4 ways of how to save energy when doing laundry and water

1.      Take a shower instead of taking a bath. Bathing consumes 160 liters of hot water; meanwhile showering consumes 50 to 60 liters. Bathing should not be a daily routine


2.      If you change your tap to resource-economic taps, you can decrease up to 40% of your warm water energy use.

3.      When you shower try to keep it at five minutes maximum,  which is what is necessary, higher than that is just luxury and we can not afford it with the climate struggle today.

4.       Air dry your laundry instead of using a tumbler or a drying cabinet. Using the tumbler takes three times more energy than the washing machine, so air drying is the best

Money is the opposite of the weather. Nobody talks about it, but everybody does something about it.

Rebecca Johnson

5 ways of how to take environmental consideration in food

It is just as important that the releasing of carbon dioxide is not just about energy source and what car you drive, it is also just as important that what kind of environmental consideration you have in food. Many claims that the connection between food and climate is more complex and that the consumer has not been enough informed. 

1.      It is important that you look up what kind of environmental consideration that has been taken during the cultivation.

2.      Buy food products that are branded with Krav. When foodstuff are branded  with Krav it means that no chemical pesticides have been used

3.      Do not buy products that are artificial fertilizer consuming huge masses of electrical energy in the production.

4.       Consider if the animals are allowed to beet.

5.       Do not buy meet if any medication with antibiotics has been applied in prevention use. If humans would eat that kind of meet there is a risk that we would become immune to antibiotics

The future is here. It is just not widely distributed yet
William Gibson


7 ways of how to save energy and heating

Climate is often related to carbon that further on is associated to cars. But climate can also be food, but the biggest problem is carbon dioxide. Here is x ways of how you can make small changes in your daily life that affects the earth positively.

1.      Try to always turn off the lights if you are not in use of them, Sweden is very good when it comes to saving energy and choosing the right source of energy.

2.       Having radiator on, meanwhile windows are open, is really a waste of heating.

3.      Abuse of hot water is very familiar, detract showering and bathing.

4.      Exchange ten of your light bulbs to low energy lamps-by doing that you can save kWh a year.

5.      Turn off your television and computer with the interrupter, and pull out the battery charger when it is not in use. White goods that are in standby position constitutes up to 10 percent of your consumation at home

6.      If you are about to build a new house it is important that you consider good isolation. To decrease the loss of heat demands well isolated outer walls, roof and floor. Basement and floor leaks about 15 percent of the inside heat, roof 15 percent and the outer walls 20 percent



7.      To seal your windows you are avoiding the heat from coming out. Air quickly with small opened window to avoid hypothermia. Consider turning off the radiator below the window. By turning down the venetian blind and closing the curtains during the night, you keep the heat inside

Our situation today

The past hundred years the global average temperature has increased with 0.6 degrees. In Sweden the average temperature is almost 1 degree higher than it was hundred of years ago. Certainly past winters have been quite soft in Sweden, however during the latest ten years it has been rather mild to short time, so it is rather hard to say that a climate change has occurred. The greenhouse effect should have been here even if we human would not have released carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. If not the natural greenhouse effect would exist, it would have been in round flourishes 30 degree colder on earth then it is today. The natural greenhouse gases that are in the atmosphere are among others water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbons and dinitrogen oxide. Gases that we conduce for, increases the level of carbon dioxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbons and dinitrogen. New rates and climate excitation shows that if not the emission levels decreases, humans will affect the greenhouse effect even more than we think. According to numbers from SMHI we would possible get a average temperature on 1-3,6 degrees in a hundred years term, a increase off the sea level with 15-95 cm and a increase off the rainfall all around the world.   

Only i can change my life. No one can do it for me.

Carol Burnett

A small intro

The western lifestyle we experience today gives us comfort and practical every day life routines, which we in these days have much harder to break. If you are born to this lifestyle you are actually aware of the problems that you in fact do not want to face, problems that you are a part of. No one is able to change everything, but if we work together we can make remarkable changes. This blog gives you options how you can change your way of living, but not making any massive modifications. This is all about changing your life style in a simple way, and give you knowledge and information that will be passed on to the next generation.

The goal of life is living in agreement with nature.


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