7 ways of how to save energy and heating

Climate is often related to carbon that further on is associated to cars. But climate can also be food, but the biggest problem is carbon dioxide. Here is x ways of how you can make small changes in your daily life that affects the earth positively.

1.      Try to always turn off the lights if you are not in use of them, Sweden is very good when it comes to saving energy and choosing the right source of energy.

2.       Having radiator on, meanwhile windows are open, is really a waste of heating.

3.      Abuse of hot water is very familiar, detract showering and bathing.

4.      Exchange ten of your light bulbs to low energy lamps-by doing that you can save kWh a year.

5.      Turn off your television and computer with the interrupter, and pull out the battery charger when it is not in use. White goods that are in standby position constitutes up to 10 percent of your consumation at home

6.      If you are about to build a new house it is important that you consider good isolation. To decrease the loss of heat demands well isolated outer walls, roof and floor. Basement and floor leaks about 15 percent of the inside heat, roof 15 percent and the outer walls 20 percent



7.      To seal your windows you are avoiding the heat from coming out. Air quickly with small opened window to avoid hypothermia. Consider turning off the radiator below the window. By turning down the venetian blind and closing the curtains during the night, you keep the heat inside


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